Based on the original version of same name created by Cris Morena, the series tells the story of a group of orphans living in a manor, known as Raio de Luz, struggling and being guided by a young woman, Carol, that assumes a maternal figure for them. Their experiences such as discovering first love, deceptions, loneliness and friendship, as well as adventures in fantasy, are depicted throughout the series. The narrative is followed by musical themes and videoclips.
Giovanna Grigio
Manuela do Monte
Raissa Chaddad
Gabriel Santana
Júlia Olliver
Filipe Cavalcante
Cinthia Cruz
Lívia Inhudes
Gabriella Saraivah
Giulia Garcia
Carolina Chamberlain
Emílio Eric Surita
Letícia Navas
Pedro Lemos
Lisandra Parede
Virgínia Novick
Guilherme Boury
Naiumi Goldoni
Daniel Andrade
Giovanna Gold
Júlia Gomes
Carla Fioroni
João Acaiabe
Lorena Tucci
João Gabriel Vasconcellos
Sophia Valverde
Thaís Pacholek
Felipe Folgosi
Sâmia Abreu
Rafael Miguel
Anna Lyvia Padilha
Bruna Carvalho
Alexandre Bitencourt
Homero Ligere
Paulo Leal
Elaine Cristina