This moving telenovela tells the story of an unconditional love that overcomes life’s unexpected turnarounds. Ana is a promising tennis player who counts on best friend and sister Manuela for support. After a terrible car accident, Ana goes into a deep coma and only emerges from it five years later. Now, she must struggle to recover the life that went on without her and that she no longer recognizes as her own.
Fernanda Vasconcellos
Marjorie Estiano
Rafael Cardoso
Ana Beatriz Nogueira
Jesuela Moro
Nicette Bruno
Paulo Betti
Regiane Alves
Maria Eduarda de Carvalho
Gisele Fróes
Alice Wegmann
Stênio Garcia
Leonardo Medeiros
Ângelo Antônio
Leona Cavalli
Sthefany Brito
Daniela Escobar
Malu Galli
Vanessa Lóes
Eriberto Leão
Marcello Airoldi
Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos
Júlia Almeida
Marcelo Mello Jr.
Neusa Borges
Pietra Pan
Cláudia Mello
Luiz Serra
Sylvia Massari
Anna Rita Cerqueira
Victor Navega Motta
Kaic Crescente
Marat Descartes
Rafael Almeida
Francisco Cuoco
Polliana Aleixo
Day Mesquita
Bianca Comparato
Klebber Toledo
Malu Valle
Renatta Gomes
Rita Clemente
Duda Mamberti
Tadeu di Pietro
Ana Petta
Debby Lagranha
Deborah Kalume
Júlia Gomes