Love Bond is a warm family show which follows two families, the Gei and the Lam, who are neighbors in the same building. This series also marked the fifth collaboration between Michael Tao and Kenix Kwok following the first three installments of the Detective Investigation Files Series and 2004's Shine On You.
Kenix Kwok Ho-Ying
Michael Tao Tai-Yu
Moses Chan Ho
Anne Heung Hoi-Lam
Paul Chun Pui
Edmond So Chi-Wai
Natalie Tong
Bernice Jan Liu
Lee Kwok-Lun
Winnie Yeung Yuen-Yee
June Chan Kei
Oscar Leung Lit-Wai
Fred Cheng Chun-Hung
Teresa Ha Ping
Wong Ka-Lok
Rainbow Ching
Carlo Ng Ka-Lok
Iva Law Wing-Han
Alice Fung So-Bo
Akina Hong Wah
Edward Mok
Candy Chiu Ching-Yee