The story of the Covenant (العهد) unfolds in a fantasy world in an unset time and place, in an atmosphere of excitement, crime, horror and drama blended with magic and fantasy. The story of 3 small neighbouring villages and the struggles among the members of Aldiabh family to gain control over the villages and the Covenant which sets the rules of the land. The Family do not hesitate at anything in order to reach their goals, lying, ploting, stealing and even killing the people closest to them.
Asser Yassin
Ghada Adel
Salwa Khattab
Yasser Al Massri
Sabry Fawaz
Sherine Reda
Hana Shiha
Kinda Alloush
Saba Mubarak
Arwa Gouda
Ayten Amer
Sawsan Badr
Ahmad Magdy
Mohamed Al Sharnuby
Ahmed El Awadi
Mohamed Abu ElWafa
Walid Fawaz
Khaled Kamal
Sami Maghouri
Alaa Zinhom
Ayten Amer
Saif Zahran
Ahmed Faheem