Los Serrano is a Spanish television drama comedy which premiered on 22 April 2003 and aired on Telecinco. It tells the story of the Serrano family, who lives in Round Santa Justa No 133, located in the fictional neighborhood of Santa Justa, in the Ribera del Manzanares, in Madrid. The success of the series in Spain and in several other countries in Europe and elsewhere helped launch the career of several young actors and actresses, especially actor and musician Fran Perea, who acts in the series and sings its theme song, "1 más 1 son 7".
Antonio Resines
Jesús Bonilla
Antonio Molero
Alejo Sauras
Natalia Sánchez
Víctor Elías
Goizalde Núñez
Alexandra Jiménez
Pepa Aniorte
Javier Gutiérrez
Julia Gutiérrez Caba
Jaydy Michel
Adrián Rodríguez
Natalia Verbeke
Jorge Jurado
Ales Furundarena
Andrés de la Cruz
Juan Lupi
Sara Brasal