Set in the Edo period, a story revolves around Kiyo, a woman who strives to overcome status differences of those days. When she pledges to live for love, a knife attack occurs at Edo castle. And as a 48th loyal retainer, her fate changes after a raid on Kira: she is determined to serve at the inner palace of Edo Castle called "Ooku".
Emi Takei
Seiji Fukushi
Rena Tanaka
Yoshiko Mita
Kanji Ishimaru
Akiyoshi Nakao
Hiroyuki Hirayama
Ryuta Sato
Jun Fubuki
Misa Shimizu
Masatô Ibu
Tsubasa Imai
Takashi Sasano
Kenichi Takitoh
Risa Naito
Ayako Kawahara