I Love Betty La Fea is a Philippine drama series that was aired on ABS-CBN, based on the Colombian series Yo soy Betty, La Fea from RCN Television that began airing on September 8, 2008 and ended on April 24, 2009. From October 5, 2009 until May 28, 2010 it was aired in the United States and Canada via The Filipino Channel.
Bea Alonzo
John Lloyd Cruz
Vhong Navarro
Ai-Ai delas Alas
Ruffa Gutierrez
Megan Young
Ronaldo Valdez
Sam Concepcion
Wendy Valdez
Joem Bascon
Thou Reyes
Sheryn Regis
Leo Rialp
Marvin Yap
Jojo Alejar
Pilar Pilapil
Ronnie Liang
Lloyd Zaragoza
Princess Ryan