The story of legendary comedian Garry Shandling, featuring interviews from nearly four dozen friends, family and colleagues; four decades’ worth of television appearances; and a lifetime of personal journals, private letters and home audio and video footage.
Garry Shandling
Judd Apatow
Kevin Nealon
Mike Shandling
Eric Cohen
Merrill Markoe
Gavin de Becker
Lewis Smith
John Markus
Bob Saget
Dave Coulier
Jay Leno
Chuck Schumacher
Bruce Grayson
Ed Solomon
Brad Grey
Paul Willson
Alan Zweibel
Al Jean
Mike Reiss
Conan O'Brien
David Josephs
Linda Doucett
Sacha Baron Cohen
Peter Tolan
Maya Forbes
Jeffrey Tambor
Penny Johnson Jerald
Sarah Silverman
David Duchovny
Bill Isaacson
James L. Brooks
Peter Berg
Karey Kirkpatrick
Anita Busch
Alex Richanbach
Jon Favreau
Suli McCullough
Ram Dass
Michael Cera