Jean Lacouture and Patrick Rotman interview the witnesses of François Mitterrand's life. Their testimonies, which both complement and contradict each other, write the story of a life: the youth, the Vichy regime and the Resistance during the Second World War, the Fifth Republic and the Algerian war, the conquest of the Elysée, the backstage of power and the secrets of a president.
Jacques Bénet
Jean-Louis Bianco
François Dalle
Philippe Dechartre
Claude Estier
Gilles Martinet
Paul Quilès
Marie-Claire Sarrazin
Philippe Séguin
François Mitterrand
Jacques Delors
Roland Dumas
Laurent Fabius
Élisabeth Guigou
Marie de Hennezel
Pierre Joxe
Alain Juppé
Jack Lang
Mazarine Pingeot
Jack Ralite
André Rousselet
Hubert Védrine
Pierre Mauroy
Charles Pasqua
Patrick Rotman