Based on a novel by mystery writer Keigo Higashino, Ryūsei no Kizuna tells the story of three orphans, whose parents were murdered long ago. Together, the three vowed on a shooting star to one day avenge their parents. After many years, the two brothers have found the murderers, and are set to carry out their plan for vengeance when they realize they've made a serious miscalculation; you see, their sister...
Kazunari Ninomiya
Ryo Nishikido
Erika Toda
Tomokazu Miura
Jun Kaname
Kenta Kiritani
Toshinori Omi
Akira Emoto
Susumu Terajima
Mika Nakashima
Kashima Riku
Sea Kumada
Aiko Morishita
Tomiyuki Kunihiro
Yumi Asou
Osamu Shitara
Akio Kaneda
Taiyo Sugiura
David Ito
Eri Tokunaga
Seminosuke Murasugi
Shoko Ikezu
Kazuaki Hankai
Tsuyoshi Muro
Ryusei Saito