The series follow the life of Michiru Aida, a beauty parlor assistant who returns to Tokyo after 4 years. Bullied by her seniors at work and abused by her boyfriend, she is reunited with her best friend during high school, Ruka Kishimoto, a skilled motocross racer. Takeru, a make-up artist, is introduced to Ruka by her housemate, Eri and thus begin a journey of friendship.
Masami Nagasawa
Juri Ueno
Eita Nagayama
Ryo Nishikido
Asami Mizukawa
Ranka Rea
Nagashima Mitsuki
Aki Nishihara
Shigenori Yamazaki
Toshiyuki Kitami
Mayumi Asaka
Tetsushi Tanaka
Sayaka Hirano
Mitsuko Baisho
Mitsuru Hirata
Yûko Itô
Takeru Shibuya