The Conquest is a television series based on the conflict between the states of Wu and Yue during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. The series was jointly produced by Hong Kong's TVB and mainland China's CCTV under executive producers Tommy Leung and Raymond Chai. It was renamed to Legend of the Heroic Duo for the mainland China release, where it aired two episodes every night on Zhejiang Satellite TV from 6 June to 28 June 2006, totalling 49 episodes. In Hong Kong, The Conquest aired five days a week on the TVB Jade network from 18 December 2006 to 10 February 2007, totalling 42 episodes.
Chen Kun
Sonija Kwok
Joe Ma Tak-Chung
Damian Lau Chung-Yan
Power Chan Kwok-Pong
Fan ZhiQi
Ming Li
William Feng
Haihai Lin
Jia Ni
Yan Qin
Bonnie Xian
Yan Hong
Wang Xiaoyi
Zhuo Fan
Baixiao Xu
Veronica Faye Foo
Liu Wei-Hua
Cao Jun
Zhang Lei