The Kannada version of the reality show where a number of contestants (known as "housemates") live in a purpose-built house and are isolated from the rest of the world. Each week, housemates nominate two of their fellow housemates for eviction, and the housemates who receive the most nominations faces a public vote out.
Chandan Shetty
Niveditha Gowda
Shruti Prakash
Sameer Acharya
Anupama Gowda
Riyaz Basha
Jaya Sreenivasan
Jagannath Chandrashekhar
Ashitha Chandrappa
Suma Rajkumar
Vaishnavi Chandran Menon
Lasya Nagaraj
Karthik Jayaram
Krishi Thapanda
Sihi Kahi Chandru
Tejaswini Prakash
Dayal Padmanabhan
Akul Balaji
Samyuktha Hegde