Follows the story of six young individuals who work hard to achieve their dreams and also dream of loving someone special and being loved as well. Amora, Bento and Fabio were raised at an orphanage at Capo Verde by Gilson and his wife, Selma. They each took their own path in life when Amora was adopted by actress Barbara Ellen, Fabio with a broke family in the countryside and Bento grew up to become a florist in a cooperative with Gilson, Selma and Giane, a childhood friend Who secretly has a crush on him. Amora becomes a famous model and media personality and socialite Who is brattish and vain, and Malú, her adoptive sister is a responsible, simple and down to earth University student who is unloved by Barbara Ellen who considers her a mistake.
Marco Pigossi
Sophie Charlotte
Fernanda Vasconcellos
Jayme Matarazzo
Isabelle Drummond
Humberto Carrão
Giulia Gam
Herson Capri
Letícia Sabatella
Marisa Orth
Ingrid Guimarães
Marco Ricca
Armando Babaioff
Regiane Alves
Malu Mader
Felipe Camargo
Yoná Magalhães
Louise Cardoso
Daniel Dantas
Deborah Evelyn
Letícia Isnard
Mayana Neiva
Tatiana Alvim
Joaquim Lopes
Maria Helena Chira
Rômulo Arantes Neto
Bruno Garcia
Carla Salle
Ellen Rocche
Maurício Destri
Thiago Amaral
Fafy Siqueira
Aline Dias
Marcus Rigonatti
Ayumi Irie
Rodrigo Lopéz
Samya Pascotto
Josafá Filho
Felipe Lima
Thaila Ayala
Bia Arantes
Bruna Hamu
Carolinie Figueiredo
Sergio Malheiros
Keruse Bongiolo
Norival Rizzo
Sylbeth Soriano
Tuna Dwek
Mila Moreira
Edwin Luisi
Noemi Marinho
Wandi Doratiotto
Cris Nicolotti
Izabella Bicalho
Miguel Arraes
Carmem Verônica
Dorival Carper
Rafael Paoli
Eliana Pittman
Priscila Camargo
Yaçanã Martins
Pedro Inoue
Mônica Torres
Thaís Garayp
Júlio Oliveira
Mariah da Penha
Nanda Lisboa