Eren, Seda, Merve and Yunus are four friends who met a year ago when they were studying at university. In their first year of class, Seda meets her childhood friend Gizem. Seda and Gizem, from the first moment they come together as in the old days are connected to each other. However, the balances in the group begin to change soon. As Seda, Eren, Merve, Yunus and Gizem confront the ghosts of the past, they start to think that adult life is not such a good thing. They have now realized that they are alone in their war with life.
Aslı Melisa Uzun
İdris Nebi Taşkan
Su Kutlu
Akin Akinözü
Hayal Köseoğlu
Cankat Aydos
Didem İnselel
Neslihan Yeldan
Ece Dizdar
Pınar Çağlar Gençtürk
Numan Çakır
Devrim Özder Akın
Ülkü Hilal Çiftçi
Emre Karayel
Burhan Ökmen
Zeki Cemil Tatar
Ali Ertan Güney
Necla Fide
Tevfik Akbaşlı
Ahmet Mekin
Gürhan Elmalıoğlu