Sequel to the 2018 animated series SSSS.Gridman and the third installment of the Gridman multimedia franchise. When Yomogi Asanaka, a first-year student at Fujiyokidai High School, meets Gauma, he claims to be a "kaiju user." But the appearance of a kaiju followed by the entry of the gigantic robot, Dynazenon, backs up his mysterious words. After ending up in the wrong place at the wrong time; they get dragged into the desperate fight against the kaiju!
Junya Enoki
Chika Anzai
Daiki Hamano
Shion Wakayama
Yuuichirou Umehara
Jin Ogasawara
Mariya Ise
Hiroshi Kamiya
Hikaru Tono
Azusa Tadokoro
Ayaka Suwa
Gakuto Kajiwara
Yuma Uchida
Rio Tsuchiya
Koki Uchiyama