Looking for Leia is a seven part docu-series about women as well as non-binary fans who found identity, connection, and purpose in their love of the galaxy far, far away.
Annalise Ophelian
Tracy Deonn
Preeti Chhibber
Swapna Krishna
Christina Cato
Lauren Ricciardella
Katie Hughes
Elena Rose Vera
Mary Sue Renfrow
Meg Humphrey
Lisa Monie-Peralta
Eliza Peralta
Charlie Jane Anders
Carley Beers
Kate Gardner
Jessica Shitara
Andrea Letamendi
Emilia Quinton
Alyssa Bradley
Sandra Choute
Amanda Cherry
Amy Richau
Alice Dauphine
Charlotte Errity
Caitlin Plesher
Laura Sirikul
Natalie Dauphin
Bárbara Lazcano