Momoko Uchida lives in an expensive apartment in Tokyo. She is a manga writer. Momoko Uchida is in her second marriage and has a son attending a university. Her friend Mizuki Tomizawa is the same age her and lives in the same apartment building. One day, a newlywed couple, including wife Rumi Kamoi, move into the same apartment building. The newlywed husband is Momoko Uchida's ex-husband. They divorced 20 years ago.
Miho Nakayama
Yuko Oshima
Tae Kimura
Yusuke Kamiji
Keiko Horiuchi
Nana Katase
Yui Sakuma
Keiko Takahashi
Hideyuki Kasahara
Tsubasa Nakagawa
Tsurutaro Kataoka
Ryusuke Komakine
Hiroshi Nagano
Namase Katsuhisa
Yuto Takahashi
Kou Nanase