"Belorussian Station" is a Soviet drama directed by Andrei Smirnov, completed in 1969 and released in 1971 after censorship delays due to its critical portrayal of post-war Soviet society and veterans' challenges. The film revolves around four former soldiers who reunite 25 years after World War II. They come together to mourn the death of a friend and reflect on their shared past and their personal struggles. "Belorussian Station" poignantly explores themes of friendship, memory, and the enduring impact of war on ordinary people's lives, eventually gaining significant acclaim for its heartfelt narrative and strong performances.
Aleksey Glazyrin
Evgeni Leonov
Anatoliy Papanov
Nina Urgant
Vsevolod Safonov
Nikolai Volkov Ml.
Lyubov Sokolova
Margarita Terekhova
Yuri Vizbor
Viktor Proskurin
Lyudmila Arinina
Vladimir Grammatikov
Aleksandr Yanvaryov
Raisa Kurkina
Valentina Ananina
Svetlana Danilchenko
Nikolay Grabbe
Nikifor Kolofidin
Valeri Malyshev
Yuri Volyntsev
Aleksandr Yanvaryov
Yuri Orlov
Fyodor Seleznyov