The Seagull
Солнечный ветер
Twelfth Night
The Boys
Russian Money
The Pretty Man
Byelorussian Station
The Overcoat
(Сима Суворова)
Weekend Dad
(Сергеева Нина, бабушка)
To Dream and to Live
(мать Марии)
The Bonus
(Dina MIlenina, economist)
Tiger Girl
(Olenka Mikhailovna)
Serafima Glyukina's Weekdays and Weekends
(Maria Grigorievna)
There's a Woman Lives in the World
A Long, Long Deal
(Мария Ивановна Строганова, мать Кирилла)
Be Careful, Grandma!
These Innocent Jokes
You Wrote to Me...
(Нина Николаевна Журавлёва)
Nine Days and a Lifetime
Magic Power
I Come From My Childhood
(Людмила Баран)
Tale about the enamored painter
The Girl and Grand
Remember Me This Way
Mother and Stepmother
Знакомьтесь, Балуев!
The Death of Pazukin
Rest Time from Saturday Until Monday
Personal Opinion
The Victims Have No Grievance
War Under the Roofs
(Анна Корзун, мать)
Sons Go Into Battle
Introduction to Life
While a Person is Alive
(Зинаида Ивановна Широкова)
Street Is Full of Surprises
(vacationer woman in Peterhof Park (uncredited))
The Stars of the Day
People are Like Rivers...
Знойный июль
My Friend
The Lion's Grave
Before Sundown
(Inken Peters, daughter of Frau Peters)
To Remember
Солнечный ветер
(Любовь Васильевна)
Open Book
(Наталья Тихоновна)