The first act is a musical comedy titled "PROM LESSON," which depicts the struggles of young people and their love affair at prom, a dance party held during the graduation season at an American high school. The musical has two different versions with the same premise but switched, one starring Asami Jun and the other starring Akatsuki Chisei, each playing a different character. In Ari's version, the udderless "wonder boy" Ari meets the most beautiful girl in school and is "taught a lesson" to become the ultimate Prom King. The second act is titled Midnight Show "A-EN MOONRISE," an entertainment show starring the stars in a moon-themed revue.
Chisei Akatsuki
Umino Mitsuki
Remi Kurea
Arise Sou
Maai Suzuka
Shouga Tsubaki
Samomo Satsuki
Hayaki Yuuto
Souya Tomoki
Ren Tsukasa
Otokaze Seiya
Kiyoka Ran
Misono Sakura
Maihina Kanon
Hanabusa Kaoto
Ran Naoki
Natsukaze Kiki
Sorashiro Yuu
Arata Tokiya
Reika Haru