Surrounded by candles and immersed in petals, a woman tired of a life without purpose carefully prepares her death scene in the bathtub, turning it into a ritual. Every drop of blood in her veins mixes with the warm water as she remembers small fragments of her life.
Flora Martínez
Aaron Paitillo
Cristina Terre
Carlos Congote
Barcelona García
Gwen Warkulwtz
Belén Cortizo
Don Meehan Jr
Elli Fordyce
Haras Medress
Harold Trompetero
Jaime Velez
Jason Steffan
Jeffrey Wernecke
Karim Noack
Kenneth McCoy
Liam Joynt
Mario Garcés
Marry Clare Cahill
Michael Cruz
Eduardo Parra
Nena Sierra
Octavio Vélez
Patti Smith
Rolando Zuñiga
Vlamyr Vizcaya
Z the fish