A comedy about Krushchev's 'Virgin Lands' project, to transform the barren and inhospitable spaces of the vast Soviet Union into fertile agricultural plains. A classically Socialist-Realist narrative of an individual's 're-education'. Zhenia, a hapless idler, arrives with a band of enthusiastic young Konsomol members to build a new town in the steppe. Although his dream, like that of all the young participants, is 'to become a tractor driver and a hero', he isn't prepared to work for the honour.
Sergei Gurzo
Idris Nogajbayev
Nina Grebeshkova
Mukhtar Bakhtygereev
Vladimir Boriskin
Kenenbay Kogabekov
Vsevolod Tyagushev
Rimma Shorokhova
Ivan Lobyzovskiy
Pavel Kairov
Shakhan Musin
L. Olshevsky
V. Skuridin
K. Alishev
L. Bodolazov
Tamara Dumnaya
Rakhia Koichubaeva
Viktor Uralsky
Nadezhda Samsonova
G. Fedorovsky