He began working on the stage of the Atyrau Drama Theater. Among the roles performed on this stage: Baymagambet ("Millionaire" by G. Mustafin), Kodar ("Kozы Korpesh — Bayan Sulu" by G. Musrepov), Petruchio ("Asauga — Tusa" by William Shakespeare), Andamas ("Maira" by M. Akinzhanov and K. Kuanishlaev). After graduating from the Almaty Theater School (1956), he performed on the stage of the Kazakh TЮZ, where he played the roles of Akyn ("Karagoz Karindasym" by Z. Zhumakhanov), Asanbay ("Bizdin Gani" by Sh. Kusaynov), Karasai ("Shuga" by B. Mayliya), Kudiar ("Akböpe" by I. Bayzakov), Nuri ("Apenda" by P. Hikmet), Kunanbay ("Zhas Abay"), Osman ("Tau Kyz" by R. Gamzatov), Dervish ("Ai Tutylgan Tyn" by M. Karim), Klavdia ("Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare), Ilyas ("Armanym — Asel" by Ch. Aitmatov), Dogala ("Alua" by M. Auzov, State Prize of Kazakhstan, 1984), and others.
An Unquiet Spring
Goodbye, Medeo
The Eastern Corridor, or the Software Racket...
Shok and Sher
A Provincial Romance
After Two Springs
A Special Day
(начальник ВОХРа)
Valley of the Ancestors
Fools Train
Far in the Mountains
The Silver Horn of Ala-Tau
Three Days of a Holiday
Звучи, там-там!
White Square
Roads Converged
Kids Tricks
Journey to Childhood