30 Years of Democracy

Two journalists born in the mid '80s decide to take a look back at how their country changed in the last 30 years since the fall of communism. The end product is a documentary containing footage of political events and historical milestones significant to Romania accompanied by a narrator's voice walking the viewer through the events, and also interviews with Romanian politicians and other influential public figures sharing their thoughts and their different views on those events.

Ilie Alexandru

(Self (archive footage))

Ioan Amarie

(Self (archive footage))

Crin Antonescu

(Self (archive footage))

Liviu Avram


Alexandru Barladeanu

(Self (archive footage))

George Becali

(Self (archive footage))

Vasile Blaga

(Self (archive footage))

Tony Blair

(Self (archive footage))

Teodor Brates

(Self (archive footage))

George W. Bush

(Self (archive footage))

Traian Băsescu

(Self (archive footage))

Ion Caramitru

(Self (archive footage))

Mircea Cartarescu

(Self (archive footage))

Viorel Catarama


Elena Ceaușescu

(Self (archive footage))

Nicolae Ceaușescu

(Self (archive footage))

Jacques Chirac

(Self (archive footage))

Victor Ciorbea


Bill Clinton

(Self (archive footage))

Emil Constantinescu


George Copos

(Self (archive footage))

Corneliu Coposu

(Self (archive footage))

Miron Cozma

(Self (archive footage))

Radu Câmpeanu

(Self (archive footage))

Cristian Diaconescu

(Self (archive footage))

Mircea Dinescu

(Self (archive footage))

Liviu Dragnea

(Self (archive footage))

Dumitru Dragomir

(Self (archive footage))

José Manuel Durão Barroso

(Self (archive footage))

Andreea Esca


Gheorghe Funar

(Self (archive footage))

Mircea Geoana

(Self (archive footage))

Mikhail Gorbachev

(Self (archive footage))

Ion Iliescu

(Self (archive footage))

Klaus Iohannis

(Self (archive footage))

Mircea Ionescu-Quintus

(Self (archive footage))

Florin Iordache

(Self (archive footage))

Michael Jackson

(Self (archive footage))

Laura Codruta Kövesi

(Self (archive footage))

Gabriel Liiceanu


Monica Macovei


Virgil Magureanu


Barbu Mateescu


Radu Mazare

(Self (archive footage))

Teodor Melescanu

(Self (archive footage))

Alison Mutler


Gabriela Nanus

(Self (archive footage))

Adrian Năstase


Sergiu Nicolaescu

(Self (archive footage))

Gabriel Oprea

(Self (archive footage))

Marian Oprisan

(Self (archive footage))

George Padure


Horia-Roman Patapievici

(Self (archive footage))

Dinu Patriciu

(Self (archive footage))

Adrian Păunescu

(Self (archive footage))

Vlad Petreanu


Camenco Petrovici

(Self (archive footage))

Andrei Plesu

(Self (archive footage))

Victor Ponta


Cristian Tudor Popescu


Stela Popescu

(Self (archive footage))

Ion Rațiu

(Self (archive footage))

Petre Roman


Adriana Saftoiu


Dumitru Sechelariu

(Self (archive footage))

Adrian Severin

(Self (archive footage))

Alessandra Stoicescu

(Self (archive footage))

Theodor Stolojan


Marius Tuca

(Self (archive footage))

Corneliu Vadim Tudor

(Self (archive footage))

Cãlin Popescu Tãriceanu

(Self (archive footage))

Elena Udrea

(Self (archive footage))

Nicolae Vacaroiu


Radu Vasile

(Self (archive footage))

Ilie Verdet

(Self (archive footage))

Gelu Voican-Voiculescu

(Self (archive footage))

Dan Voiculescu

(Self (archive footage))

Varujan Vosganian

(Self (archive footage))

Gabriela Vranceanu-Firea

(Self (archive footage))

Sorin Ovidiu Vîntu


Alexandru Arșinel
