Mission: Impossible
(Graf Fontana)
Charlie Countryman
(Victor Ibanescu)
The Pitești Experiment
(Unchiul Corneliu)
The High schoolers
30 Years of Democracy
(Self (archive footage))
Forest of the Hanged
(Petre Petre)
Beyond the Bridge
(Priest Codreanu)
The Stake and the Flame
Two Deaths
(Carl Dalakis)
Like in Films
The Mornings of a Sensible Youth
Adam & Paul
(Eastern European Man)
Tufă de Veneția
Ecaterina Teodoroiu
(Dr. Mureșan)
Citizen X
Stejar, extremă urgență
(Werner von Richter)
The Green Grass of Home
(profesorul Viorel Meteș)
The Blue Gates of the City
(tunarul Șerbănescu)
Poor Ioanide
(Prințul Max Hangerliu, comandant legionar)
The Great Solitary
(pictorul Victor Pătrașcu)
Test at educational class
(Mihai Gavrilescu "Socrate")
Stefan Luchian
(Ștefan Luchian)
Confession of Love
(Mihai Gavrilescu "Socrate")
Gathering Clouds
(Radu Comșa)
Evening Guests
(Radu Costache)
The Carpathian Castle
(Alexandru Policretti)
We Were Sixteen
(Slt. Năstase)
Before the Silence
The Court Adjourns the Sentencing
(Tiberiu Moga)
The Investigation
(Paul Blejan)
Shootings Under the Moonlight
(Lt. Vasilache)
Three Days and Three Nights
A Certain Kind of Happiness
(Liviu Filimon)
Comoara din Vadul Vechi
(Ion Dohotaru)
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time
Casa de la miezul nopții
(Dinu Valentin)
Videograms of a Revolution
Deep Secrets
(Solemn Anarchist)
A Love Story, Lindenfeld
Sick Animals