Ferdinand Zecca

Ferdinand Zecca (19 February 1864 – 23 March 1947) was a pioneer French film director, film producer, actor and screenwriter. He worked primarily for the Pathé company, first in artistic endeavors then in administration of the internationally based company.




La danse héroïque


La Tragique Aventure de Robert le Taciturne, duc d'Aquitaine


Conquering the Skies


What Is Seen Through a Keyhole


The Red Spectre


Quo Vadis?


The Policemen's Little Run


A Bad Rich Man (A Christmas Story)


The Life and Passion of Jesus Christ


Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves


Poor Mother


Drama at the Bottom of the Sea


The Seven Castles of the Devil


History of a Crime


Alcohol and Its Victims


Wonderful Mirrors


Dream and Reality


Slippery Jim


Dream of the Moon


The Pearl Fisherman


The Illusionist


Ingenious Soubrette


A Political Discussion


La Vie d'un joueur


La Vie d'un joueur


Don Quichotte


The Strike


Scenes of Convict Life


Down in the Coal Mines


A Father's Honor


When Paris Loves


Struggle for Life


Struggle for Life




Gold Fever


The Car and the Cripple


Les apaches de Paris


Whence Does He Come?


In a Hurry to Catch a Train




Fun After the Wedding


The Fairy of Spring


The Fairy of the Black Rocks


Jealousy and Madness


The Pursuit of the Beer Barrels


The Dreyfus Affair




Miniature Theatre


Max Learns to Skate


Le Voleur invisible


Puss In Boots


L'étoile du génie


Excursion to the Moon


Jésus au jardin des oliviers


Jésus chassant les vendeurs du temple


Jésus devant Pilate


Jésus est présenté au peuple


Jésus et la samaritaine


Jésus parmi les docteurs


Jésus succombe sous sa croix


Marvellous Reversing


The Fantastic Plunger


The Martinique Disaster


Samson et Dalila


The Marvelous Hen


Scenes From My Balcony


Don Juan


History of a Crime


A Horrible Nightmare


Le mitron


Le caprice du vainqueur


The Eternal Triangle


The Prodigal Son


A Diabolical Itching


The Old Tragedian


Ten Wives For One Husband


The Martyrdom of a Queen


Tears of Forgiveness


Life and Passion of Christ


The Incendiary


Revolution in Russia


L'étoile du génie

(Scenario Writer)

Alcohol and Its Victims


The Wrong Door


The Regret


Les méfaits d'une tête de veau


Impossible To Get a Plunge


The Dog and the Pipe


An Idyll Under a Tunnel


Boireau swordsman


Nos bons moines


La Vie et la Passion de Notre Seigneur Jesus Christ
