Russian Ark
Rush Hour
When the Saints March
The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, the Hobbit, Across the Wild Land, Through the Dark Forest, Beyond the Misty Mountains. There and Back Again
The Third Planet
Prohindiada or running on the spot
(отмечавший защиту диссертации)
Without Return Address
A Search Has Been Announced...
Two Knew the Password
Was There Karotin?
The Highway
My Father Is an Idealist
Heart of a Dog
Jewelry Case
(Тимофей Черемных)
Harsh Kilometers
A Declaration of Love
Prison Romance
(«Karl Marks»)
Проклятие Дюран
Nero Wolfe i Archie Goodwin
(Dr. Lloyd)
(Борис Яковлевич)
Black Raven
The Life of Klim Samgin