"Heart of a Dog" is a Soviet film adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov’s iconic novella. Set in 1920s Moscow, it tells the satirical and darkly humorous story of a stray dog named Sharik, who is transformed into a human by Professor Preobrazhensky through a daring medical experiment. The resulting man, Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov, embodies the social and ideological tensions of early Soviet society. With its sharp critique of class struggle, human nature, and the perils of radical change, the film is celebrated for its faithful adaptation, brilliant performances, and rich allegorical depth.
Evgeniy Evstigneev
Boris Plotnikov
Vladimir Tolokonnikov
Nina Ruslanova
Olga Melikhova
Aleksei Mironov
Roman Kartsev
Anzhelika Nevolina
Natalya Fomenko
Evgeniy Kuznetsov
Ivan Ganzha
Valentina Kovel
Sergei Filippov
Roman Tkachuk
A. Savostyanov
A. Ruden
Yu. Volkov
Anatoly Slivnikov
Yury Eller
Yuriy Kuznetsov
Yuriy Oskin
V. Kolpakov
M. Shtein
Evgeniy Ilovayskiy
A. Martinkainen
Nora Gryakalova
Boris Sokolov
Aleksandr Pashkevich
Viktor Glazkov
O. Letnikov
Sergey Bekhterev
Aleksandr Belinsky
Aleksandr Strunin
E. Kharkevich
K. Sirotova
Natalya Lapina
M. Kucherov