Sergey Filippov was born in Saratov in a working class family. Father was a locksmith, and mother a dressmaker. At school, Sergei Filippov did not study well, and in high school he even became known as a bully. In a chemistry lesson in the absence of a teacher, he mixed hydrochloric acid with iron filings, added a couple of reagents. After such an experiment, a terribly pungent smell spread throughout the school. Classes were disrupted, and Filippova expelled from school. After being expelled from school, he got a job as a student of a baker in a private bakery. But this work was of little interest to him, and over the next months he tried several professions, until the case brought him to the ballet studio. Classes so fascinated Sergey that in a few weeks he was considered the best student and a bright future in ballet opened before him. In 1929, on the advice of teachers, Filippov went to Moscow to enter the ballet school at the Bolshoi Theater. Arriving in the capital, he learned that the entrance exams had already ended, and on the advice of knowledgeable people went to Leningrad, to a choreographic school. But he was too late for these exams and submitted documents to the newly opened circus variety college, where he was accepted. Teachers predicted a brilliant future for a gifted student and, after graduating from a technical school, in 1933 Sergei Filippov was accepted into the troupe of the Opera and Ballet Theater. The career of a ballet dancer was too short - during the next performance Filippov became ill. Arriving doctors noted a heart attack and advised to leave the ballet. Filippov entered the pop theater studio. He performed a lot on the venues of Leningrad and during one of the concerts he was noticed by Nikolai Pavlovich Akimov, who suggested that the young actor go to the Comedy Theater. In the years 1935-1965 - actor of the Leningrad Comedy Theater, since 1965 - the film studio "Lenfilm". He gained popularity in the film roles in the films “Tiger Tamer” (1954), “Carnival Night” (1956), “Girl without an Address” (1957), “12 Chairs” (1971), “Ivan Vasilievich Changes His Profession” (1973). Filippov was a master of both large and complex roles and episodes. Filippov in the 1940-1960s was very popular in Leningrad and major cities of the country. In 1965, a brain tumor was discovered in him. In 1971, before filming "12 Chairs", the actor began to have severe headaches from discovered brain cancer, and therefore Gaidai invited Rostislav Plyatt, approving him for the role of Kisa. However, Filippov said that he would be removed in any case. The situation was resolved when rumors of Filippov's insistent desire reached Plyatt, and he himself ceded the role of Kisa Filippov. Despite a small chance of improvement, Sergei Filippov successfully completed treatment after filming and lived another 20 years, playing his last role also with Leonid Gaidai. Sergey Filippov was buried in the Northern Cemetery, next to Antonina Golubeva. The St. Petersburg film actors guild installed a bust on the grave. A few days before his death, the actor told Lyubov Tishchenko about his dream: “You know, all my life I wanted to play a positive tragic role, but I got only nasty types,” sighed Filippov. “I even cried when I found out that the main role in the film“ When the Trees were Big ”went to Yuri Nikulin.”
The Precious Seed
Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession
(шведский посол)
Special Approach
12 Chairs
(Киса Воробьянинов)
Швейк готовится к бою
The Mysterious Old Man
Don't Grieve!
(Eros, barber)
The Blue Bird
(Pleasure of not-understanding)
Twelfth Night
It Can't Be!
(Singer at the Wedding)
Carnival Night
(comrade Nekadilov)
A Funny Dream, or Laughter and Tears
(Chess King)
The Bat
The Tobacco Captain
The New Adventures of the Elusive Avengers
(specialist pharmacist)
Kuda Ischez Fomenko?
Did We Meet Somewhere Before
Incognito from St.Petersburg
Tiger Girl
(Almazov, exhibition tiger trainer)
Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian
(Vasily Markelovich Gubarev)
Hello, Moscow!
(Brykin, the accordionist (as S. Filippov))
How Ivanushka the Fool Travelled in Search of Wonder
(overseas doctor)
And Then Came Bumbo...
Private Detective, or Operation Cooperation
Dangerous for Your Life!
Kashchey the Immortal
The Serf Actress
The Cook
(fraudster at the market)
Sovershenno seryozno
(Молдованцев - писатель (новелла «Как создавался Робинзон»))
The Defense of Volotchayevsk
A Foreign Woman
Little Hare
(главный режиссер театра Борис Михайлович)
A Girl with Guitar
The Boatswain and The Parrot
Girl without an Address
The Sleeping Lion
Heart of a Dog
Different Fortunes
A Noisy Household
The Snow Maiden
In the Old Rhythms
The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin
Petia and Little Red Riding Hood
(Wolf (voice))
SportLotto - 82
Be Careful, Grandma!
Musical Story
Clumsy Friend
Царевич Проша
(Атаман разбойников)
Aleksa Dundic
Driver Involuntarily
(Саврасов Иван Петрович, шофёр Пастухова)
A Comedy of Days Gone By
(Kisa Vorobyaninov)
A Friend in Court Is Better...
(hotel administrator)
Мера пресечения
(продавец броши)
We from the Urals
(Specialized worker)
Little Friend
(Petukhov, swindler)
Tale about the enamored painter
An Old Acquaintance
(Яков Филиппович Никодилов)
Light over Russia
A Great Road Ahead
(city head)
The New Adventures of Schweik
The Unamenables
(the policeman)
Wonderful Apples
Have You Ever Loved?
Ау-у! (Киноальманах)
(актёр/Абабуа («Что наша жизнь?! Или что наша жизнь?!»))
Two Sundays
While the Dream is Mad
Наш общий друг
Cherry Town
Adventures of Korzinkina
The Nightingale
Станица Дальняя
Суд идёт
Yakov Sverdlov
The Siege: Leningrad Metronome
(Vasiliy Gubarev, old worker)
The Siege: Operation "Iskra"
(Vasiliy Gubarev, communications chief)
The Great Tamer
(Uncle Misha)
Gutta-Percha Boy
May I die, Lord
Konstantin Zaslonov
Nameless Island
(the policeman)
"Margarita" is Raging
(First minister)
Night Guard
On the Other Side
The Cutlass
(New coach at the airport)
Street Is Full of Surprises
(police chief)
Three Hundred Years Ago...
(florentine monk)
Как создавался Робинзон
(Молдованцев - писатель)
For the Matches
The Boys from Leningrad
(jealous husband)
The Value of Everything
First Visitor
Where are you, Knights?
(Arkadiy Petrovich Bilonos)
The Last Crook
The Fox, the Beaver and Others
Big "Wick"
(проигравший в шашки/Филиппов (новеллы «Шашки»/«Расплата»))
Nevsky Melodies
Фитиль (киножурнал)