Josef Střecha


A Nice Plate of Spinach

Hodina pravdy

Monkey's Playtime

A Major Role for Rosmaryna

(Camera Operator)

How to Wake a Princess

Stín létajícího ptáčka

Oddechový čas

Tichý Američan v Praze

Vítězný lid

Miluška a její zvířátka

I'll Be Good, Old Man!

Past na kachnu

Pumpaři od Zlaté podkovy

Ball Lightning

Lvi salónů

Vražedné pochybnosti

Skandál v Gri-Gri baru

The Young Man and Moby Dick

Payment in Kind

Čas pracuje pro vraha

Hodinářova svatební cesta korálovým mořem

Concert at the End of Summer

Love Between the Raindrops


Paragraf 224

Poprask na silnici E 4

Postavení mimo hru

Co je doma to se počítá, pánové...

Hra o královnu

Svítalo celou noc

The Hit

V hlavní roli Oldřich Nový

(Josef Střecha)

Run, Waiter, Run!

(Man with a Scarf)

Serpent's Poison

Hodina života

Like Rabbits

Konečná stanice

V podstatě jsme normální

Opera ve vinici

Don't Call Me Major

Víkend bez rodičů

La Chanson du mal-aimé


Když rozvod, tak rozvod

Příště budeme chytřejší, staroušku!

'Okay, Boss...!'

Červená kůlna

Lovers in the Year One

(Camera Operator)

Dvacátý devátý

The Day That Shook the World

Marecek, Pass Me the Pen!

Wine Working

We'll Kick Up a Fuss Tomorrow, Darling...

Smrt na černo

Odysseus and the Stars

Dům Na poříčí

Our Gang

The Case of Dead Schoolmates

Smoke on the Potato Fields

Akce v Istanbulu

The Divine Emma

(ředitel Národního divadla)

Díky, pane Kříženecký


Those Wonderful Movie Cranks

This Is How Love Begins...

Kouzelné dobrodružství

People from the Subway

Naše XI.

How to Dupe a Lawyer

All Against All


Silnější než strach

Thirty Cases of Major Zema

The Visitors


Karhanova parta

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

A 105 p.c. Alibi

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Zámek pro Barborku

(Director of Photography)

Písnička za groš

(Director of Photography)

Kam s ním?

(Director of Photography)

The Best Man

(Director of Photography)

Baton Out of the Bag

(Director of Photography)

Všude žijí lidé

(Director of Photography)

Po noci den

(Director of Photography)

Píseň o sletu – I. část – Mládí

(Camera Operator)

Píseň o sletu – II. část – Bratři a sestry

(Camera Operator)

Zázračný hlavolam

(Director of Photography)

Červená kůlna

(Director of Photography)

Prázdniny v oblacích

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Skill of Gold

(Director of Photography)

Of Things Supernatural

(Director of Photography)

Člověk není sám

(Director of Photography)

Poslední mohykán

(Director of Photography)

The Unfortunate Bridegroom

(Director of Photography)

Intimate Lighting

(Director of Photography)

Distant Journey

(Director of Photography)

A Killer on the Tracks

(Director of Photography)

Old Ironside

(Director of Photography)

Sons of the Mountains

(Director of Photography)

Where an Alibi Is Not Everything

(Director of Photography)


(Camera Operator)

Ein fröhliches Haus

(Director of Photography)

Schuß um Mitternacht


Václav Talich diriguje Slovanské tance Antonína Dvořáka

(Director of Photography)

Plavecký mariáš

(Director of Photography)

Die schwache Stunde


Pelikán má alibi

(Director of Photography)

Konečně sami

(Director of Photography)

Lawyer of the Poor

(Director of Photography)

Armádní dvojčata

(Director of Photography)

Děti na zakázku

(Director of Photography)

We Study After School

(Director of Photography)

Klatovští dragouni

(Director of Photography)

Svátek věřitelů

(Director of Photography)

Okénko do nebe

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Dva týdny štěstí

(Director of Photography)

Vzhůru nohama

(Director of Photography)

Magnetické vlny léčí

(Director of Photography)

Soud boží

(Director of Photography)

Hry a sny

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Matkina spoveď

(Director of Photography)

The Way of the Cross

(Director of Photography)

Dnes neordinuji

(Director of Photography)

Dva ohně

(Director of Photography)

The Magical Hat

(Director of Photography)

Hasek’s Tales from the Old Monarchy

(Director of Photography)

Expres z Norimberka

(Director of Photography)

Vlast vítá

(Camera Operator)

Cesta k barikádám

(Camera Operator)

Vandiny trampoty

(Director of Photography)

Johnny's Journey

(Director of Photography)

V horách duní

(Director of Photography)

Der Monte Christo von Prag

(Director of Photography)

Mizející svět

(Director of Photography)

Before Graduation

(Assistant Camera)

Rozpustilá noc

(Director of Photography)

V cizím revíru

(Director of Photography)

Karel Hynek Mácha

(Director of Photography)

Lidé pod horami

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Štěstí pro dva

(Director of Photography)

Směry života

(Director of Photography)


(Director of Photography)

Hvězda z poslední štace

(Director of Photography)

Provdám svou ženu

(Director of Photography)

Nobody Knows Anything

(Director of Photography)

The Coward

(Director of Photography)

Návrat presidenta dr. Edvarda Beneše do Prahy 16. května 1945

(Camera Operator)

Právě začínáme

(Director of Photography)

Až se vrátíš...

(Director of Photography)

Muži ve fraku

(Director of Photography)