Dařbuján a Pandrhola
Bílá spona
(Petty Officer ZS)
How to Wake a Princess
Where an Alibi Is Not Everything
(member of the VB)
Vítězný lid
The Emperor and the Golem
(Second Barber)
Darbujan and Pandrhola
Man in Outer Space
Rychlík do Ostravy
Every Penny Counts
Černá dynastie
The King of Kings
(Janitor in broadcast)
Life Without a Guitar
Kůzlátka otevřete...
Terrible Woman
A Nice Plate of Spinach
(učitel Řehák)
„Rakev ve snu viděti...“
You Are a Widow, Sir
The Girl on the Broomstick
(vedoucí farmy)
Affairs of my Wife
Tank Brigade
Dvacátý devátý
How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer
Zbraně pro Prahu
Romance for a Crown
(Police Officer)
Kdo hledá, najde
Wine Working
The Liberation of Prague
The Bear and the Ghosts
Svatá hříšnice
The Secret of a Great Narrator
The Lupinek Case
The Magical Hat
The Trap
The Trap
Zaostřit prosím!
(clerk in the publishing house)
Obrácení Ferdyše Pištory
It was in May
Nechte to na mně
Kdo je vinen?
The Hen and the Sexton
Posel úsvitu
Usměvavá zem
Slovo dělá ženu
Dog's Heads
Ztracená stopa
Zkouška pokračuje
(member of the Young Stage)
A Suburban Romance
(Sláva Luňáček)