Mahmoud Hussein El Guindi was born in (the town of Abou Al Mattamir), Al Beheira governorate. (He has nine siblings). (Mahmoud was enrolled in a vocational school where he trained as a (tailor)). After graduating, he worked at a factory. Thereafter, Mahmoud was admitted to the (Institute of Cinema) and graduated in 1967. Following his graduation he worked in cinematic, television and theatrical productions. Among the plays in which he has performed are “Antarah”, “Mawloud Al Malik Maarouf”, “Shakespeare fee Al Ataba”, “Alashan Khatir Eyounik”, “Al Maleem bi Arbaa”, “Bahebak ya Mojrim”, “Al Brenseesa”, “Innaha Haqan Aaila Mohtarama”, “Al Rouaab Al Laziz”. Following an accident that took the life of his lover, Mahmoud directed the film “Al Morshid” in 2003. Abla Kamel starred in that picture. Mahmoud has succeeded in bringing together music and comedy in his film. (His performance was not particularly outstanding in the movies (that were financed by the real-estate boom)), however, his talents are obvious in his performances in “Qalb Al Layl” and “Shahateen Nobala”.
Bloody Destinies
The Wedding
عائلة الفك المفترس
Night and nights
Madame Shalatta
The Girls and the Unknown
Harat altayibin
The Coma
A date with wolves
Al-Hob Al-Haqiqi
Noa Men El Regal
One of the People
Birds of the Nile
(البهي محمد احمد عثمان)
بخيل بالوراثة
بحبك يا مجرم
محدش يقدر عليهم
عصفور عقله طار
وراك وراك
قاطع شحن
(كاسب ابو فايز)
Shafiqa and Metwally
(Jamal Assiouti)
The Virgin and Scorpio
Stories of an Estranged
An Hour and a Half
A Stranger in the Port
Path of the Worlds
Spicy Falafel
The Deadly Encounter
Genan Fi Genan
Jadan Al-Helmiyya
Ghalat El Banat
Kelab El Madina
Wi Daa El Tareeq
The Informant
Love and Horror
An Egyptian Story
To's Story
Karima is generous
Red card
(Adel Ezz El-Din)
شيلني وأشيلك
(ضابط شرطة)
الكلمة الأخيرة
Jababirat almina'
ليمون حلو
Playing with Giants
Prayer of the oppressed
Adieu Bonaparte
Almilyunayr alsaeuluk
غريب فى الميناء
الوحوش الصغيرة
Forced Escape
(محمد عثمان - ضيف شرف)
هلاهوطة وبراكوته
Heart of the Night
(Mohamed Shukroun)
Local Dog
(خادم المسجد)
World War III
(منصور أبو خميس)
The Devil's Friends
Nagi El-Ali
Bitter Day, Sweet Day
Beggars and Noblemen
The Fourth Pyramid
(على الزناتى - القواد)
Out of the Ordinary
Son of Adam
(الأستاذ سيد شكري)
For Your Eyes
El Kowayseen
The Berry and the Cane
A Citizen Under Investigation
(Journalist Hamdi)
The Baby Doll Night
Attempted Murder
The Flood
It Is Really A Respectable Family
El Princesa
30 Years Ago
Monkey Talks
Samer & Shaher & Baher
(Moner EL Khater (old))
Rendezvous with Soso
The Best is Yet to Come
Majaneen Nos Kom
Convicted Outlaw
The Genius and Love
The Magic of the Hidden Treasures of Visuals
El Motaleqat Wil Zeaab
Al-Usta Al-Modeer
The Ruthless
Noor El-E'youn
Shams El Zanaty
(Salamat Al-Tafshan)
Ballo Ballo
Illusions Of Love
We'll Tell You But Don't Be Angry
Anbar and the Colors
Almoshaghibat fil-segn
The Clever Ones
Devil's Way
Al Jamaliyah
Junun alfirakh
Criminal Record
(مدرسة/منصور كراوية/سعيد)
Good Mood
The Story of Hayat
Not One Thousand and One Nights
A Good Guy
Helm el ganouby
(ضاحي النمر)
I Want to Get Married
(Uncle Atef)
The President's Shadow
حارة الزعفراني
Abdul Kader the Foreigner
Shams Al Ansary
Ahl al Hawa
The End of the World is not Tomorrow
Live Your Days
Morning and Evening Talk
(معاوية القليوبي)
Bab Al Khalq
The Foul Wind
أولاد الحلال
حرس سلاح
Abo El-Ela 90
The People of the Askar Hamlet
(حسنين مدندش)
Mr. Abo El-Ela El-Beshry's Journey
Fire’s bird
(Marwan saqer)
Harun Al Rashid
The Honey and The Tears
(شوقي رضوان)
إصلاحية جبل الليمون
He and She Stories
Ali Al- Zebak
Men Agl Walady
جمال الدين الأفغاني
(Mohamed Abdo)
In Amina's Hands
(الشناوي عبدالرحمن)
Ramadan Kareem
الشوارع الخلفية
The Flood
My Way
My Dear Children, Thank You
(محمود - ابن العم)
One Thousand and One Nights: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
The Family Of Mr. Shalash
The Honey and The Tears
(طاهر قبطان)
Unknown Number
(Yasin Badawy)
Alf liela w liela - Aroos El Bahr
(نور العين)
Conscience of Teacher Hekmat
Dad, You, & I in Dismay
(بشير أبو السعد)
Tears on Bold Eyes
(مصطفى محمود الشوان)
The God Father
(Abou El-Azm)
Nelly and Sherihan
(Uncle Dahab)
وأدرك شهريار الصباح
(شحاته صديق عاطف)
ألف ليلة وليلة: علي بابا والأربعين حرامي
Blessed Signs
(محمود الجندي)
أيام العذاب
The Thug
شتاء له نهاية
الدنيا وردة بيضاء