The series revolves around the two brothers Hafez and Shawqi, the sons of Haj Radwan, whose life paths are completely different, while Shawky indulges in the life of fun and luxury, his brother Hafez is busy working in trade with his father, and begins signs of conflict between them on several levels, and at the same time Hafez marries Dolat, and Shawky from Zainab, to ignite the ground of a new conflict.
Yousuf Shaaban
Afaf Shoieb
Galeela Mahmoud
Sabry Abdelmonem
Sayed Abdel Karim
Mohamed Metwally
Layla Yousry
Fathia Tantawy
Ragaa Serag
Mostafa Hashem
Ragaa Hussein
Nabil ElDessouqy
Yousri Mostafa
Ibrahim Yousri
Taheya El Ansari
Khaled Zaki
Mahmoud El Gendy
Laila Hamada
Magda Hamada
Abdel Moneim Ibrahim
Abdelaziz Makhyoun
Sameh El Sayed
Shawqi Shamekh
Ahdy Sadek
Mohamed Farid
Sayed Azmy
Mahmoud El Shazly
Samiha Tawfiq
Mohye El Din Abdel Mohsen
Abla Kamel
Abdel Moneim Abdel Rahman
Sayed Mahmoud
Salah Sadeq
Rashwan Tawfiq
Nawal Abu ElFottoh