Joji Oka, born in Tokyo, Japan, on May 25, 1902, was a renowned Japanese actor celebrated for his versatile roles in the film industry. His given name was Katsuzo Nakamizo, and he also used alternate names, including Susumu Minobe. Oka embarked on his cinematic journey in the late 1920s, making his debut with the film "Ryuko no Maki Tora no Maki" in 1928. He rose to prominence as a leading actor in movies like "Akai Hi Aoi Hi" (Red Lights, Blue Lights) in 1929. His influence extended across silent and sound films, where he showcased his remarkable voice and talent. In the early 1930s, Oka encountered personal and professional challenges, including a romantic involvement with actress Ran Koizumi and a subsequent disappearance incident. Later, he joined Toho Studios, further solidifying his position as a leading actor. Notable works, such as "Shiroi Kinjo" (White Robes) in 1936, featured his exceptional talents. During World War II, Oka served in the Imperial Japanese Army while simultaneously pursuing his acting career. Following the war, he resumed his involvement in filmmaking and garnered recognition for his roles in movies like "Kanchi eizu Seiretsu" (The Ambitious Gang) in 1954. Oka's career spanned from the late 1920s to the late 1960s, showcasing his versatility and skill in various genres, encompassing modern drama, period pieces, and action films. He passed away on December 17, 1970, at the age of 68, leaving behind a legacy of memorable performances within the realm of Japanese cinema.
Shin Yotsuya Ghost Story
Turbid Youth
Prince of Space
(Ambassador Maboroshi / Maboroshi taishi)
Glorious Standard Bearer
Sasaki Kojiro
The 26 Martyrs of Japan
Chûshingura - Zempen: Akahokyô no maki
No Blood Relation
(Masaya Kusakabe)
The Crown of Life
Seven Seas: Virginity Chapter
(Takehiko Yagibashi)
Seven Seas: Chastity Chapter
Secret Love
Until the Day We Meet Again
Kaiketsu kuro zukin
Dragnet Girl
Planet Prince
(Ambassador Maboroshi / Maboroshi taishi)
Planet Prince - The Terrifying Spaceship
(Ambassador Maboroshi)
Moonlight Mask: The Last Death of the Devil
Moonlight Mask: The Challenging Ghost
The Spider-Man
The Vassal's Neck
The Pacific War and the International Military Tribunal
(War Minister Anami)
Enoken the Hero
(Oda Nobunaga)
The Genealogy of Women
(Chikara Hayase)
旗本退屈男 八百八丁罷り通る
Swordsman of the Two Sword Style
Falcon Magistrate
Tales of Young Genji Kuro 2
Mother Peacock
Wings of Victory
The Mansion of Intrigue
Sasaki Kojiro, Part 2
(Ryusaku Okakura)
Appeal on the Cross
First Steps Ashore
The Morning Sun Shines
((as Susumu Minobe): Hiroo Karasaki, Head of Delegation)
Ghost Man
(Inspector Todoroki)
Lady Chatterley of Japan
(Nodori Takashima)
Hyōchū no Bijo
Great Bodhisattva Pass 2
(Toranosuke Shimada)
Great Bodhisattva Pass
Claws of Iron
(Kyôsuke Tashiro)
The Loyal 47 Ronin
As Long as I Live
Hanjiro of Kusama: Bird of Passage
Case of a Young Lord 3
Lion Crest
Lion Crest Part 2
Lord of Red Banner
Mother's Melody
Dedication of the Great Buddha
The Young Lord
Musashibo Benkei
Ayausgî G-Man - ânkoku gai no yagû
A Devil of a Gentleman