Friends at Arms
Friends at Arms: Causing Mischief
Don Olsen kommer til byen
(2. politimand)
Me and My Kid Brother and the Smugglers
(Leder af nudistlejeren)
Life with Daddy
Suzanne og Leonard
Relations: The Love Story from Denmark
(Man in sauna)
Tilløkke Herbert!
Orion's Belt
Farvel Thomas
Hvad med os?
3 må man være
(Dansende restaurantgæst)
Bertram & Co
Een pige og 39 sømænd
(Maskinmesteren Erik)
Dyden går amok
Englen i sort
It's Nifty in the Navy
Holidays in jail
Fætrene på Torndal
Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie
Har du set Alice?
Helle for Lykke
Hold da helt ferie
Dummy Partner
Five men and Rosa
De sjove aar
Kampen om Næsbygaard
The Olsen Gang's Big Score
(Empfangschef im Sheraton Hotel (uncredited))
Majorens oppasser
The Olsen Gang in a Fix
(Priest (uncredited))
Midt i en jazztid
The Olsen Gang Runs Amok
(Police Security Technician (uncredited))
The Last Exploits of the Olsen Gang
(Porter (uncredited))
The Man from Swan Farm
In the Middle of the Night
The Olsen Gang Outta Sight
(Man Outside Bank (uncredited))
The Olsen Gang Never Surrenders
(EG Headquarter Employee (uncredited))
The Olsen Gang Jumps the Fence
(Fur Shop Owner (uncredited))
The Olsen Gang Goes to War
(Archive Employee)
The Girl and the Press Photographer
På'en igen Amalie
Six Kids and the Honeymooners
Relax Freddy
Dust for all the Money
Going for Broke
Taxa K-1640 efterlyses
(Mand på perronen og besøgende på sygehus)
The Chronic Innocence
Johnny Larsen
Jumpin' at the Bedside
(Kunde ved pølsevogn)
(Dørmand (uncredited))
Laan mig din kone
Bedroom Mazurka
Bedside Highway
(Beboer i Syvhuse)
Bedside Romance
Plat eller krone
Den kyske levemand
Watch Your Back, Professor!
Pretty-Arne and Rosa
300 Miles to Heaven
(Pracownik stacji benzynowej)
The Poet and the Little Mother
(Gæst i restauranten)
The Circus Casablanca
(Angry Camper)
That Brief Summer
A Place Nearby
Syg og Munter
The Hour of Parting
The Hash Tree
Children of the Warriors
En by i provinsen
(Olufsen, Murer)
Far på færde
(Inspektør Svenningsen)
The House at Christianshavn
The House at Christianshavn
The House at Christianshavn
The House at Christianshavn
The Shadow of Freedom
(Security Assistant)
(Bogholder Christiansen, Omegnsbanken)
Nikolaj and Julie