Carry On Nurse
(Ted York)
Carry On Sergeant
(Miles Heywood)
Carry On Regardless
(Montgomery Infield-Hopping)
Another Time, Another Place
(Alan Thompson)
Clash by Night
(Martin Lord)
That's Carry On!
(Various Characters)
The Return of Mr. Moto
(Jonathan Westering, MI5)
Dangerous Exile
(Sir Frederick Venner)
What a Whopper
Out of the Shadow
(Mark Robert Kingston)
Appointment in London
(Dr. Buchanan)
On the Fiddle
(Air Gunner)
Carry On Constable
(Herbert Hall)
Doctor at Large
Never Look Back
(Alan Whitcomb)
Simon and Laura
Mr. Arkadin
The Silent Enemy
(Lt Bailey)
The Wild Geese
(Anonymous Man)
The Sea Wolves
Forbidden Cargo
(A.P.O. at Customs Launch)
Helen of Troy
Jumping for Joy
(John Wyndham)
The Man Who Never Was
Angels One Five
(Falk, Pimpernel Pilot)
The Martian Chronicles
(Wise Martian)
Sherlock Holmes
(Isa Whitney)
Hallmark Hall of Fame
(Admiral Browning)
(Sir Waldermar)
The New Avengers
No Hiding Place
The Expert
(Patrick Hawkes)
Garry Halliday
International Detective
(Mr. Gordon)
Breaking Point
Emergency – Ward 10
(Freddy Waters)
The Avengers
(George Neville)